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Protection of sensitive medical data

Find out how eperi® CGM helps to ensure the highest safety standards for the occupational medicine software CGM ISIS MED. CGM customers can thus ensure compliance and data protection at the highest level.

  • The CGM ISIS MED occupational health software stores employee medical data and diagnoses made by company doctors.
  • This data is particularly sensitive personal information and requires a high level of protection.
  • The data must be protected against unauthorized access.
  • Encryption of employee medical data and company medical diagnoses
  • Data is encrypted under the control of the CGM customer according to the current state of the art before it is transferred to the CGM ISIS MED occupational medicine software.
  • The CGM ISIS MED software does not need to be customized.
  • Thanks to selective encryption, reporting options and performance are retained.
  • The high level of protection for particularly sensitive personal information is guaranteed.
  • Medical employee data and company medical diagnoses are safe - even from the eyes of IT admins.

“By using the eperi® sEcure solution, we ensure a high level of protection for particularly sensitive personal information in our occupational medicine software CGM ISIS MED. With encryption, our customers effectively protect their medical employee data and occupational medical diagnoses from unauthorized access - even from the eyes of the IT administrators.”

Highly secure data encryption for the healthcare industry

In the healthcare industry, the protection of sensitive data is of the utmost importance. Our customized solution offers you highly secure encryption that meets strict compliance requirements and reliably protects your patients' data. Find out more about our innovative security solutions and how we can manage your data securely in the cloud. Visit our Healthcare solutions page and discover how eperi® can help you meet the highest standards of data security.


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