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Welcome to eperi® -
Secure data always
and everywhere!

Gain maximum control over your information by protecting your sensitive data from cyberattacks and preventing it from being read by your cloud provider.
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Vier Personen sitzen im Büro um einen Laptop und lachen
Welcome to eperi® -
Secure data always
and everywhere!
Gain maximum control over your information by protecting your sensitive data from cyberattacks and preventing it from being read by your cloud provider.
Vier Personen sitzen im Büro um einen Laptop und lachen

eperi® sEcure - the safe way to the cloud

Our solution offers data protection, complete control over your data, and regulatory compliance while retaining the original functionality and user-friendliness of protected apps.

No one can completely prevent data theft. But with eperi® sEcure, your encrypted data will remain useless for thieves. You and your company are safe from damage and blackmail. Management cannot be held liable since no sensitive data has been stolen.

Regain control of your data and enjoy peace of mind by knowing that you're implementing data protection in the best possible way, thanks to eperi®'s function-preserving data encryption.

Benefit from numerous advantages when using eperi® sEcure:

Your data on the web - but secure

There are a large number of web-based applications in which sensitive employee and customer data as well as business-relevant information is stored. With eperi® sEcure AnyApp we support the following apps out-of-the-box:

Find the right solution for your needs

Latest news about eperi®

press releases

eperi expands partner network and signs cooperation agreement with ndaal

eperi, a leading provider of encryption technology, is entering into a strategic partnership with the IT consulting company ndaal. Together, they will support companies in implementing secure data protection strategies for the cloud. The collaboration focuses on compliance and the protection of sensitive data using the eperi sEcure encryption solution.

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press releases

eperi encrypts personnel data in the cloud to preserve functionality

With eperi sEcure, eperi now offers secure cloud data protection for HR applications such as Personio, HRworks and CGM ISIS MED. Thanks to innovative encryption and tokenization, sensitive personal data remains protected at all times, even if traditional IT security fails. Only the company has access to the encryption keys – cloud providers or app providers have no access to the data.

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Your data on the web - but secure